Sunday, August 23, 2020

Healing Journey: Cut Back on Social Media

During this pandemic, I have spent a lot of time on social media. I’ve shared too much and known too much that I should’ve. Then I had a talk with my mom that really changed my perspective. She asked me to never share everything I eat on social media. The reason why she said that was very simple, we never know that people out there may don’t have enough money even just to feed their loved ones because they’re out of their jobs. So sharing what you cook or what you eat is really insensitive to other people's feelings.

She really made me rethink about some things. A year ago I never thought I’d make my instagram account private because I want to show people of places I’ve been and all the foods I eat. I shared my daily life way too much and at some points it made some people made assumptions about me. And also I easily got triggered or stressed out seeing what people’s share on social media. So I decided to delete some of my posts on instagram and limit myself from sharing too much and seeing too much. On top of that I also curate who I follow and what content I see on Instagram. It’s hard, very hard. As someone who is always active on social media and use social media in daily basis for work, limit my time and what I share on social media was maybe the hardest thing to do. But I also know that I need to be mindful with what I’m doing because it could impact my mental health and also other’s.

And for now, I get use to it. And I love the feeling of knowing less or even not knowing anything at all.

Until my next blog post!

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